Bergsland Design the graphic design portionBergsland Design shares the section of the site concerned with graphic design and book production. It’s not a legal DBA, rather a long-used pseudonym covering my graphic design work. If you’ve read my about me page, you can see it’s been a winding road to this place. This page attempts to help you sort out what I do in one part of the three basic areas: graphic design, font design, and teaching.

Bergsland Design the designer portion

Obviously I design much more than books. I’ve got designs on Zazzle—though that’s languishing for lack of attention. I design fonts, and much of my income comes from there. I design curricula and have three courses online in Udemy so far. When I’m bored I design landscapes, home interiors, and recipes.

Pages in this portion of my work

Here are some posts in this general category