This image is part of a group of images showing the Moment our Messiah said "Let there be light."Special pricing for solid food books is normal for this site. After all, my fond hope is that they will help someone met Jesus and turn their life around. So, in effect they’re priceless.

I’ve always tried to price my believer books at the lower end of the spectrum. After all, the knowledge was given to me by the Holy Spirit. Like Paul said in 2nd Corinthians, I’m not interested in peddling the Word of God. My trust is that He’ll take care of me without lowering to that level. However I also know that humans, being who they are, don’t value what they don’t pay for.

If you are different, and you’ll actually read the book, feel free to write me and ask for yourself. Once I talk to you, I’ll be happy to send you the copies you need.

Special pricing for solid food books is low pricing or better

The key is being sensitive to the Lord and do what He asks me to do [or do what He approves]. That is different for many of the books. All I can do is listen as well as I possibly can. I’m just an ol’ scout working in the King’s service. Well-worn, a bit rough around the edges, not commonly fit for “decent society”. But, as long as I am welcome in the Kingdom, I can’t worry about how people react. I mean, most people hate my boss. But He has unpleasant plans for all them, unfolding as I write this.

My focus is discipleship of believers. These days most of us are quite poorly taught. The Lord shows the truth of that in me, regularly, day-by-day. As we have been told by Jesus, John, Peter, and Paul, the Holy Spirit has been given to us to teach us everything we know. The difficult part is the faith required to believe that. But with the faith to receive it, the teaching by the Holy Spirit is an absolute delight. My prayer is that my books are anointed to produce those results in you, gentle reader.

All the following links go to the digital books with various options. The images are linked, and the titles:

Recent end-of-the-age books

The Lord's call to Christian authors Revelatory information to the Bride

The Lord’s call to authors until we go home in Writing During The Last DaysWhat is coming in the Tribulation & the Millennium in Here comes King Jesus

Basic solid food (suffering from the digital conversions by the distributors)

Ebooks today are designs reduced to the lowest common denominator by the distributor. In other words, all the typographic niceties used to make reading easier and more pleasant are stripped out after you upload them. I am just beginning the process of offering the typeset versions directly, at the same price. After all, I am a font designer and typographer, by trade.


Christian non-fiction: How to Teach the Bible — my best selling spiritual book  The Training Place of Mankind Second Edition This is a discussion of how narrow the gate really is to enter into the Kingdom of God learning how to behave as the betrothed of Jesus 2nd Edition: Daily Christian Life & Practical Spiritual Warfare Writing in Holiness presents the arguments writing books which are truly Christian—especially fiction.

 A Spiritual System for Rating Books  How to study scripture with the author

The basic book is How to Teach the Bible. Understanding the Creator is in The Training Place of Mankind. Understanding the path in The Narrow Gate. Understanding the Bride of Christ in The Wife of Jesus. Defeating the enemy in your life in Daily Christian Life & Practical Spiritual Warfare. A system for explaining the spiritual content of Christian fiction in A Spiritual System of Rating Books. Studying the Bible with the author How to Study Scripture.

Designed solid food (the same ePUB ebooks including the type setting)

You will actually download the ePUB and load it into your ereader of choice [simply double-clicking on it to open it in Books on your Mac]. I would appreciate it if some of you PC users can tell us which reading apps do this in Microsoft’s and Google’s worlds. I would like to be able to offer that hope to my readers. Thank you.