An anointed creativity is required for power in your life as an artist, author, graphic designer, musician, or any form of creative expression. It also applies to people called as craftsmen and craftswomen. Just like being born again is required for a new life in the Messiah, the power of the Holy Spirit is necessary for the creative anointing.
So, how does anointed creativity apply to my work?
It helped me a great deal since 1974—when I met Jesus. For you, that’s between you and the Lord. This page is the home page for my writings, articles, and whatever about what the Lord provides for creatives—people called to produce creative content in various forms. It makes no difference if you determined you were an artist, author, graphic designer, musician, or whatever. What matters is did the Lord create you for that purpose, and has He called you to use it in your life and ministry?
An anointed creativity is required for power as you create
Power to do what? That’s not my problem. The most common place I’d heard it in my work was in comments starting with, “How did you know…?”
How do you add creativity to your writing?
Beauty drives a believer’s creativity
Power in the Kingdom is not what people expect. Our power in the Spirit is for service. It’s the same power as is mentioned in Hebrews four. This power is alive, and active, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, of joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intents of the heart.
Of course, that’s one of the basic attributes of the power of the Holy Spirit. He anoints us to minister, to serve people—like Jesus said, “I am among you as He who serves.” The best service we can provide is helping people come to know Jesus and make Him Lord over them. It’s the power to change lives. After you come to know the Lord for a long time, you will realize the basic truth. You can’t talk anyone into changing their mind about anything. You can’t bring anyone to salvation. You can’t fill them with the Holy Spirit.
Only the Lord Jesus can do that, by the power of His Spirit. All we can do is share what we’ve witnessed. The Holy Spirit can use that and convert it to a powerful message that will deeply touch your reader, viewer, and/or listener—to the point where that individual’s life is changed forever.
That’s the power I’m talking about.
Expanding the millennial vision
Expanding the millennial vision helps me to prepare for the coming changes. For the church, they won’t be painful yet still massive. Try to get your head around the idea that within a decade or so we will be living in complete spiritual union with our fiancée, Yeshua Messiah. Judging by Jesus’s priestly prayer before He and His disciples headed down to Gethsemane, it is clear that when the marriage is consummated at the marriage supper of the Lamb we will be one with Him in the same way as He, the Father, and the Holy Spirit are one. John … Continue reading →
Procedure or satisfaction — Bible or Word
Procedure or satisfaction seems to be the crux of this problem I’m seeing. It’s not recognizing where the life is coming from. A large problem is my tendency to see importance without thinking things through. But this has been going on for a long time. I finally learned what the core problem is. Part of it has surfaced again recently as I have turned to evangelical pastors on YouTube for teaching scripture. At least they are covering scripture and running their lives by what they learn in that study. It’s a real joy going through scripture verse by verse. That’s … Continue reading →
The end of doctrine draws near
The end of doctrine draws near and I (for one) am very pleased. Doctrine is used to build a denomination. The age of doctrine is nearly completed. It was necessary for a group which is breaking off from the overall church as a result of the effort to reform it. In a real way, Luther was the impetus for the beginning of the denominational wars. Don’t tell him, though. He’d be upset. It was necessary because Luther was talking about a radical change in focus—something which had been lost by the church. It was basically a simple scriptural teaching. The … Continue reading →
Screw around with no consequences
Screw around with no consequences is the core message of the pro-choice crowd. It’s at the side of the wide and easy road. It always has been. No one wants to deal with the fact that the designer of us all designed us so that this caused a lot of problems—which we are now living through. Avoiding those problems is the reward for following the original plan. You know where the man cleaves to his wife, and gives up his life to enable his wife to be what the Lord designed her to be—whatever that is. But humans being what … Continue reading →
Evangelism or discipleship we need both
Evangelism or discipleship we need both and it’s a real problem. The Lord has been working on me for the past five years. He has me attached to an aggressive special forces evangelistic church. I’ve had a hard time with it. Because they have a clear call and they are anointed in that direction. But I come from the discipleship camp. My current church does not do any discipleship, as I understand it. It’s been interesting to see that my skills which are focused on walking in the Spirit, understanding scripture, and working under the anointing in your daily life … Continue reading →