Web 2 Digital Bible: Glo from Zondervan
I ran across this in my Christian professionals group at Linked In this morning. It is a visually exciting presentation to be sure. My only question is:
Can it really be used?
I saw no place to add notes, new crossreferences or any of the other things necessary for a real study bible. I’ve included a scan of one of the pages in one of my bibles to show you what I mean.
It may be that Glo can handle this, but I couldn’t find it in the promo pieces on their fancy Website.
It is gorgeous though—unlike this bible that has actually been used. I’ve got to admit I’m suspicious when they don’t give you the version and the typography looks so bad on the screen. I’m afraid it’s NIT or worse.
My guess is (judging by past history) that Zondervan has it locked down tighter than a drum so it can’t really be used as a teaching tool.

A used study bible