Arise & shine: word for the day
OK! It was a surprise to me also (and maybe it’s only for me). I’ve been praying all day for guidance and direction. I end up at Isaiah 60. The first verses just leapt off the page at me.
Isaiah 60 (English Standard Version)
Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD has risen upon you.
For behold, darkness shall cover the earth, and thick darkness the peoples;
but the LORD will arise upon you, and his glory will be seen upon you.
Today’s rhema: bloom where you are planted!
I know: older than dirt! But this is what the Lord impressed on me today to share with you. The world is getting very dark indeed. It is not going to get lighter again until He comes. We are indeed the light of the world. So we need to trust in that and allow His light to shine out through us and on us. Of course, part of this is coming from escaping 50 years of working where (for the last 20 years) it has been illegal to be a Christian as a teacher in a public school). So, freedom is dawning on me.
This is not a time to hide, nor a time to be obnoxious (as if it ever where). It is a time to be naturally what we really are: children of God, the bride of the King. We need to get cleaned up, dressed nice, teeth brushed, mouth cleaned, well rested, completely trusting, born again believers. It’s a time to be holy, not prissy or pretentious. I know, who am I to say that? But at least I can head in that direction and you need to also.
Next year in Jerusalem? Maybe, but for me, not ’til the King comes.
As usual, I did a little thing

The time has come to be a light