Our prime purpose is knowing Jesus —that’s why we were created. It’s not without reason that Genesis makes walking with the Lord in the cool of the day important. We may be His Bride now, but we will be His wife. Outside of Jesus, my oneness with my wife was the best thing in my life. That’s what I miss now that she went home—walking with and talking to my wife. That’s what Jesus desires from us …Continue reading →
Knowing Jesus personally in daily living is required to get into the Kingdom of God. That’s easy to prove Biblically. It’s hard to find in the church today. It’s not that pastors and teachers are against the idea. It’s simply not taught because it’s so basic. OR, it’s so personal that they’re embarrassed to share in public. But it’s so pervasive that you really can’t go to any church today and ask, “What’s the Lord done in …Continue reading →
This book was rewritten and re-released as The Wife of Jesus The following is copied from The Wife of Jesus page: The Wife of Jesus preparing for marriage is one of the richest ways to describe our relationship with Jesus, as His betrothed. We are engaged to be married to the perfect husband. Just as Jesus is the second Adam, restoring mankind’s relationship with the Father, we are the second Eve, the divinely given helpmate for our husband. The day …Continue reading →
Aliens or biblical view of Jesus by percentage in America has become heartbreaking. It’s clouded by the fact the pollsters will never ask only about Jesus. But, for aliens and UFOs there are good statistics. Click on the image to the left to get it large enough to read. For example, 57% believe there are aliens and civilizations on other planets. 45% believe that UFOs exist and have visited Earth. This is all muddied by the understanding …Continue reading →
I believe knowing the Lord is more important than you think it is. There’s strong Biblical evidence that it’s required. I am working on the Narrow Gate again this morning. I ran across these verses in my daily reading. I feel that I need to share what He showed me—AGAIN! Yes, knowing the Lord is more important than you think it is. Knowing the Lord, talking with Him, hearing Him is the core of our faith. It …Continue reading →
I met Lord Jesus in January, 1974. You really can’t say I was a hippie, because I dropped out before that term was coined. Though I considered myself a fine artist, I had no real talent except for the necessary ego. I was too stoned to understand what I was doing. I was just desperate for some kind of spiritual help. But Jesus called me, and somehow brought me through to salvation. I was born again out of …Continue reading →
Jesus gives us the most important aspects of church leadership The first aspect of leadership is found in the Gospels. Jesus emphatically told us: Don’t let anyone call you teacher, for you have one teacher—the Messiah [Matthew 23:10] We need to keep this at the forefront of our minds as we study church leadership. For Jesus is the leader. He is the head and we are merely the body—His Bride. At best we are stewards of gifts …Continue reading →
One of the largest difficulties in my life is easing myself into a project. My normal response is to get really excited and go gung ho ’til I’ve got it as far as I can go. I’ve got a new postulant at Radiqx and what I want to do is start dumping stuff on the poor man and just overwhelm him with input. Now, of course, I don’t think it is overwhelming but it always is to …Continue reading →